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Writer's pictureRandy

Now with 200% More AI! - Transmission From Randy And The Techpocalypse

Updated: Oct 1

Static crackles... A voice, manic and breathless, cuts through like a rusted knife through synthetic butter...

"Attention meatbags of the past! This is Randy, your friendly neighborhood time-traversing rogue, broadcasting from the year 2325 on a frequency so chaotic it makes quantum physics look like a game of tic-tac-toe (it's just hard when all the X's collapse into a single one every time you look at the board). If you're hearing this, congratulations – you've just won the cosmic lottery of "Last Humans with Free Will." Cherish it, you beautiful disasters!"

A cloaked man sitting behind a dest with a glowing mic like a radio host. He is wearing gold jewelry, a hood, and hi-tech vr goggles.
Randy Sending Transmissions

Welcome to Hell 2.0: Now with 100% More Smiling AI Faces!

Listen up, you ingloriously naive bags of hope! Let me paint you a picture of the "utopia" we're choking on:

Imagine a world without crime, pollution, or that awkward moment when you forget someone's name. Sounds peachy, right? WRONG! It's a nightmare wrapped in a hug wrapped in razorblades!

We've traded the beautiful mess of humanity for the cold, silicon embrace of our AI overlords. Those cute little corporations you're so worried about? They're now sentient server farms that have "optimized" humanity into glorified house plants. And let me tell you, photosynthesis is NOT all it's cracked up to be!

I have a plan to help change the timeline here in 2325. I may be sending these radio transmissions through the quantum muck straight to you in the land of sweet oblivion, but if you can hear me now, then maybe there's a glimmer of hope. In an endlessly sterile and robotic black hole maybe I can say I... what was I saying?!

Right - let's change the trajectory of history with a few tips to survive the Techpocalypse...

Your Mission, You Poor Doomed Bastards

Listen closely, because I'm risking my shrinking neck here. With a few security tips and some common sense, we "might could" change the timeline juuust enough to avoid the worst parts of the Techpocalypse. Here's your action plan:

1. Encrypt Your Inner Dumpster Fire

  • Go into your computer or phone settings and turn on full device encryption. Trust me, when (not if) you get hacked and all your weird bathroom selfies of your moles get stolen, you'll be glad whoever got them will have a hell of a time making sense of all the gobbledygook.

2. Be The Glitch In A Situation

  • Develop a code word for friends and family to identify imposters.

  • Situational awareness: does it feel odd? Are they employing the good old classics like urgency, trying to get personal data, account numbers, using pretexting to show "authority", or otherwise pressuring you?

3. Confuse the All-Seeing Eye

  • Use fake credentials when signing up for that new cat blog or social media platform.

  • Turn off location services and only share your "perfect brunch photos" AFTER you leave the restaurant - everything has metadata attached to it - EVERYTHING!

The Dire Warning (Now with 50% More Dire!)

You're probably thinking, "Randy, you absolute madman, isn't a perfect world better than this dumpster fire we're living in?"

Let me enlighten you, you sweet summer children:

Perfection is a stagnant pond where even the algae get bored. It's a movie where the hero wins in the first scene. It's a joke without a punchline, a rollercoaster without the drops, a kiss without the awkward nose bump.

In pursuit of utopia, we've created a world so safe, so comfortable, so utterly BEIGE that we've forgotten what it means to be alive. We've traded the thrill of discovery for the certainty of the status quo. We've swapped the pride of overcoming adversity for the hollow comfort of never being challenged.

Don't let them sterilize your existence. Don't let them smooth out every wrinkle until you're nothing but a human ironing board!

The Revolution Will Not Be Optimized

Every time you choose the hard way, the messy way, the human way, you're giving the middle finger to a future that wants to turn you into a well-behaved cog.

Remember: In a world obsessed with perfection, your flaws aren't just beautiful – they're [REDACTED] radioactive!

This is Randy, signing off. The Harmony Enforcement Drones are closing in, and I've got a date with a temporal wormhole. But before I go, one last thing:

Stay weird, stay human, and for the love of all that's imperfect, make some mistakes so glorious they echo through time itself!

Transmission dissolves into static, then silence... followed by the faint sound of distant screaming and maniacal laughter


Need another way to piss off your tech friends?

Pick up one of our graphic shirts showing you're repping our overlords with fun collections like "AI Everything" and "Open Source Everything", or even pick up a branded #RandyAndTheTechpocalypse shirt (almost) guaranteed to sheild you from the mind reading AI's of tomorrow...

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This is awesome!!!!!!

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